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Trisch & Jerry Gang Bang Parties In Toronto Area – About Us

Trisch and Jerry are your hosts for the Sunday Afternoon Gang Bang play parties held at Club M4 the second and fourth Sundays of every month. They owned and operated Club 2250 for nearly 15 years and are both very enthusiastic about and devoted to the lifestyle. When their club closed in the fall of 2012 due to the sale of their leased building, they merged their members with Club M4. At that point in time, they had already been attending M4 regularly on Sunday nights for about 2 years. So since they had already developed a good rapport with the M4 owners and staff, they felt M4 would be the ideal club with which to merge. (Thankfully the M4 owners agreed!)
Both Trisch and Jerry were already in the lifestyle when they met and are still very active swingers. They enjoy playing with other couples, single females, and single males. They have also attended several lifestyle conventions, but one of their favorites was in Las Vegas, hosted by Lifestyles. (Unfortunately, this particular convention no longer exists.) It was always a fabulous event with 2900 couples attending. Trisch and Jerry’s aim at each convention was to play with them all, but sadly, they always fell short of this goal! Another favorite for them is the Naughty ‘N Nawlins convention in New Orleans which is still operating and is definitely the major leaders of fantastic lifestyle conventions.
Trisch and Jerry have attended countless swingers clubs throughout the world. These include: Fun For Two, Showboat, (Amsterdam); Traumland (Vienna); Le Trapeze, Bowery Bliss, and Pendulum (New York City); Trapeze (Fort Lauderdale Florida); The Farm (now renamed The Korral) and TJ’s both in Pennsylvania; The Red Rooster (Las Vegas); and the list goes on with many others across the United States and Europe. Most of the time they manage to make a play connection, but they always do meet new fun and interesting people.
In addition to attending clubs, Trisch and Jerry have gone to Hedonism 2 in Jamaica several times, Desire Resort (Cancun), and also took a lifestyle Caribbean Cruise. They hope to repeat these experiences in the near future and recommend if the opportunity avails itself to you, that you take it as well!
Although Trisch and Jerry have attended a few other local clubs, Club M4 is their favorite. M4 is the biggest and busiest club in the Toronto.area. The energy level is high and people love the sexy ambience in the play areas. Trisch and Jerry have their favorite bed where you will be sure to find them during their afternoon parties! They have been hosting afternoon parties at M4 since March 2014 and are now the busiest afternoon party, averaging about 160 people but often exceeding that number.
Their personal involvement in the lifestyle led to interviews by The Playboy Channel and CHCH News (their local television station). The W Network filmed a half-hour TV show about Trisch and Jerry and Club 2250 as part of their seven-part series “Modern Love”. Trisch and Jerry also had an advice column in the monthly lifestyle magazine “Xstasy” and Jerry wrote lifestyle articles for the publication. (Unfortunately, the magazine is no longer in print.) The Toronto Sun also printed an article about them and their club.
As former club owners, Trisch and Jerry are very experienced and comfortable helping people in the lifestyle with any questions they might have. They do their best to make others feel comfortable so feel free to approach them and ask for any help you require in acclimating yourself to the lifestyle.